How do I set a start date, due date, start time or due time?

To set a start date and start time:

    1. Start the process to assign a video lesson.
    2. At the top of the assignment creation window, after selecting the class(es) you're assigning the video to, you'll see options for the "Start date" and "Due date".
    3. Click the "Start date" drop-down.
    4. Here you can select a start date from the calendar pop-up. The start date defaults to today.
    5. While in the same calendar pop-up, you'll see "Hour" and "Minute." Use the arrow keys to set the start time and click the button to choose a.m. or p.m. 
    6. Click the blue "Save" button to confirm your selection.

To set a due date and due time:

    1. Start the process to assign a video lesson.
    2. At the top of the assignment creation window, after selecting the class(es) you're assigning the video to, you'll see options for the "Start date" and "Due date".
    3. Click the "Due date" drop-down.
    4. Here you can select a due date from the calendar pop-up. 
    5. While in the same calendar pop-up, you'll see "Hour" and "Minute." Use the arrow keys to set the due time and click the button to choose a.m. or p.m. 
    6. Click the blue "Save" button to confirm your selection.

To change a start date, start time, due date, or due time:

    •  In the assignment view, click on the "Start Date" box toward the top of the page. Choose the start date and time you want, then click the blue "Save" button.
    •  In the assignment view, click on the "Due Date" box toward the top of the page. Choose the due date and time you want, then click the blue "Save" button.