Your assignments will be automatically organized by due date, in ascending order.
Reorganizing assignments
To reorganize assignments, you can change their due dates. Selecting a date range in the pop-up calendar will set a start date and an end date.
Assignments due the soonest will appear at the top of the list. Changing the due dates will change this order.
You might also be interested in our article about assigning a start/due date.
No due date
When you assign videos to your class without setting a due date, they’ll be placed under the “No Due Date” tab within that class. You can always go back and edit the due dates of these assignments!
Due assignments
You’ll notice three sections under the “Due Assignments” tab:
- Assignments with start dates of today or before will be placed under the “In progress” tab.
- Assignments with future start dates will be under “Upcoming assignments.” You can add or remove these date ranges to move an assignment from one section to another.
- Assignments under the "Graded and completed" section are just that. See this section to review past assignments.