Can I upload my own videos?

Absolutely! To upload your own videos to Edpuzzle:

    1. Click on the blue "Add Content" button at the top of your page.
    2. Select "Upload video" from the drop-down menu.
    3. From here you can either drag the video file into the box framed with a dotted line, click "Choose a file…” to upload a video file from your computer, or click “Google Drive” to upload a video file directly from your Google Drive.
    4. Once you've selected your file it will automatically start uploading and appear in your "My Content" library.

Edpuzzle supports many video formats including AVI, MOV and MP4. All uploaded files must be under 1 GB in size.


Note: Content you upload must not infringe on the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. Edpuzzle reserves the right to identify and terminate users who violate this law per our Terms of Service.