How can I convince my school to sign up for Edpuzzle Pro School?

Trying to get your school to go Pro? We've helped hundreds of schools upgrade to Pro, and what we've found is that your voice is the one that matters the most! 

All you have to do is chat with one of your supervisors and explain how Edpuzzle is helping you in class and helping your students get better scores. If Edpuzzle is giving you great results, why not share this resource with the rest of the teachers?

With Edpuzzle Pro School, not only will you and your colleagues win with unlimited videos, but your school will benefit as well:

  • If your school wants to implement flipped and blended learning, a great way to start is by applying it to PD and workshops. We have plenty of curriculum resources for Professional Development to make it much easier to get started. Use our pre-prepared online PD courses or use them as a template to build your own! 
  • Quite often, schools and districts are required to certify students in topics like Digital Citizenship, Emotional Intelligence, or Personal Finance. We've created programs on these topics and more so that no one has to worry about creating these important courses!
  • As you and your colleagues create your content in Edpuzzle, you're building a customized database of video curriculum for your school. By getting your school set with Pro, you're encouraging teacher collaboration and curriculum creation to make a database that anyone in your school can utilize.

If you'd like to chat with us before introducing Edpuzzle to one of your supervisors, just email us at and we'll be more than happy to help!