How do I share my videos with other teachers?

There are two ways to share your Edpuzzle videos with your colleagues.

Sharing through the school channel
As long as you and your colleagues belong to the same school in Edpuzzle, you can quickly and easily share content!

To do this:

    1. Click “Discover” from the menu on the left-hand side of your page.
    2. Click “My Network” towards the top of the page.
    3. Use the filters to find content created by colleagues.

To find a specific colleague’s content, select "My Network" from the menu on the left-hand side of your page then choose a teacher to view all of their public lessons.

If you can't find your colleague and have checked to make sure you're in the same school, then either you or your colleague may not have verified your account email. To learn more, check out our article on email verification

Sharing a video link with a colleague
You can also use a link to share video content with your colleagues. From this link, teachers can review or copy the video to their own My Content library.

To find your video's preview link:

    1. Click on the content you want to share in your My Content library.
    2. Click the "Share preview" option in the menu at the top of the page.
      If you don't see this, it means that your video is set to private and you will see the word “Private” with a lock icon in that menu. Videos must be public in order to be shared and viewed by others. To change this setting, click “Private” to toggle the setting to “Public.”
    3. A pop-up with appear and provide you with a preview link and embed code. 
    4. Copy the link or embed code to share the video.

Note: Any progress and responses won't be recorded from those accessing the video using a preview link, as it's meant mainly for sharing content with colleagues, and not for assigning to students. If you'd like to assign a video lesson to your students and record their progress, check out this article.