Getting Started
How does Edpuzzle work?
Edpuzzle is designed to give you and your teachers an opportunity to take learning outside of the box and to make it a more fun and interactive experience.
The way that Edpuzzle works is simple:
- Your teacher creates a video lesson and assigns it to your class.
- You watch the video and answer the questions posed along the way. Multiple-choice questions are graded as you answer them and open-ended questions are graded later by your teacher.
- You can rewatch small sections or the entire video as many times as you want or need.
- Your teacher monitors your progress, responses, and grades from their account.
That’s it!
You can watch your video lessons from any device, anywhere which means that completing assignments is as easy as logging in and clicking “Play.”
How do I sign up for Edpuzzle as a student?
There are two easy ways to sign up for Edpuzzle as a student: You can either use Google Sign-In or a username or email with a password.
Signing up with Google:
- From, click the blue "Sign up" button at the top right of the homepage.
- Select the "I'm a Student" option.
- Click the “Sign in with Google” button and choose the appropriate account from the pop-up window that appears.
Note: If your teacher uses Google Classroom with Edpuzzle you must use Google Sign-In to create your account, and be sure to select the email account linked to your Google Classroom in the Google Sign-In pop-up window.
Signing up with a username and password:
- From, click the blue "Sign up" button at the top right of the homepage.
- Select the "I'm a Student" option.
- Click the “Sign up with Edpuzzle” button.
- Enter the class code provided by your teacher.
- Fill in your name, username, and password, then click "Join class" to complete your account setup.
Note: You will only be able to sign up for Edpuzzle this way if you have a class code provided by a teacher. Student accounts can’t be created without joining a class.
How do I log in as a student?
If you already have an Edpuzzle account, logging in is super simple! Follow these steps:
Click the "Log in" button at the top of the homepage.
Select "I'm a Student".
Then you have two options: sign in with Google or log in with Edpuzzle by entering your username and password.
Choose the option that you used to sign up for your account with, enter the required information and you’re all set!
Note: If your teacher uses Google Classroom, then you'll need to log in with the "Sign in with Google" button and use the same email as your Google Classroom account.
You might also be interested in our article on how to create an Edpuzzle account as a student.
How do I use the Edpuzzle app?
First, you'll need to download the Edpuzzle app for your device:
Once you’ve downloaded the Edpuzzle app, it’s easy to log in and watch your video assignments!
Open the app on your smartphone or tablet, and you’ll be prompted to log in, sign up or enter your Open Class code.
To log in, enter your Edpuzzle username and password, or sign in with your Google account.
To sign up with Edpuzzle, enter the class code your teacher gave you, fill out your name and choose a username and password. Alternatively, you can sign in with Google.
To enter an open class code, just type in the code your teacher gave you and you’ll be taken directly to your class.
After you’ve logged in, you’ll see your list of classes under “My Classes.” To add a class, tap “+ Add Class” and enter your class code.
To complete an assignment, tap on the class, tap on the video lesson you need to watch, and then tap the play button to get started!
To log out of the app, tap on “Profile” in the bottom menu bar and then on “Log out”.
Note: If you’re using Edpuzzle through an LMS app (Canvas, Schoology, Moodle, etc.), you’ll still need to download the Edpuzzle app. When you go to an Edpuzzle assignment in your LMS app, you’ll be redirected to open the Edpuzzle app to complete the assignment. When finished, you can return to your LMS.
Account Settings
How do I change my username or password?
If you want to change your username or password, you can do this in the "Settings" tab. Find this page and change the details using these steps:
- Click on your profile icon in the upper right-hand corner.
- Select your name from the drop-down menu.
- Next click on "Settings".
- Here you can change your username or reset your password.
- Click "Save changes" once you've finished.
Note: You can't change your username and/or password in the Edpuzzle app. You'll need to use an internet browser in order to proceed.If you've forgotten your username or password, then you'll need to ask your teacher to find your username or reset your password for you.
I forgot my username.
If you can’t remember your username to log into your Edpuzzle account, ask your teacher for help!
Your teacher can locate your account username by looking up your information under the “Class members” tab of your class from their teacher account.
If you need to change your username once you’ve entered your account, check out this article.
I forgot or need to reset my password.
If you don't remember your password, you'll need to ask your teacher to reset it for you. You can share this article with them that has instructions on resetting student passwords:
You might also be interested in our article on how to change your password while logged into your account.
What do I do if I accidentally signed up as a teacher?
If you’ve signed into a teacher account by accident instead of signing into your student account you will not be able to access assignments shared with you by your teacher.
To get back to your student account:
- Log out of the teacher account (here's a shortcut to log you out:
- Log back in from by clicking Log In at the top right of the page.
- Select "I'm a Student".
- Enter your login information or use Google Sign-In.
If you haven’t created an Edpuzzle student account yet, check out this article on how to sign up for Edpuzzle as a student.
In order to limit confusion, if you don’t need a teacher account (most students don’t!) make sure to delete the teacher account you’ve created in error.
To delete the teacher account:
- Click the circular profile icon in the upper right-hand corner.
- Select your name from the menu that appears.
- Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the "Delete account" button.
- Read and check all the boxes in the pop-up window, then click the "Delete account" button to confirm the deletion.
How do I delete my account?
If you’d like to delete your student Edpuzzle account you won’t be able to do so yourself.
To have your account deleted, we will need to receive this request from an administrator at your school. They can contact us at to submit the request.
Alternatively, we will automatically delete your account after 18 months of inactivity. This means that if you don’t access your account at all for 18 months, it will be permanently removed.
Note: When your account is deleted, the account, along with any stored data (assignments, progress, and grades), can’t be recovered. This means that you should be certain you want the account deleted before submitting a request or letting the account expire.
Joining a Class
How do I join a class?
If you're trying to join a new class, there are a few ways to do it.
If you’re logged into your Edpuzzle account and your teacher gave you a class code:
- Click the plus sign (+) next to “My Classes” in the menu on the left-hand side of your page.
- Enter the class code given to you by your teacher in the pop-up window that appears.
- Click "Find class."
- When your class's name appears, click the "Join class" button and you'll be enrolled.
If you don’t have an Edpuzzle account and your teacher is using an open class:
- Head to
- Click “Open class” at the top of your page.
- Enter the class code provided by your teacher and then click the “Find class” button.
- Enter your name in the “Nickname” field and then click the “Join open class” button. Once you’ve joined the class you’ll see any assignments posted for you to complete.
In either of the above circumstances, if your teacher has given you a link to join the class, rather than a class code, simply follow that link to join their class.
If your teacher uses Google Classroom to connect to Edpuzzle:
You don't need a class code. Instead, you'll be enrolled automatically, as long as you're logged into Edpuzzle using the same email that's connected to your Google Classroom account.
Note: If your teacher uses another Learning Management System (LMS), like Canvas or Schoology, you will always access your Edpuzzle assignments from that LMS and not by joining a class on If you’re not sure where to find your assignments, ask your teacher for help!
How do I find my class code?
If you don't know your class code for Edpuzzle, don’t worry! There are two ways to get into the class:
- If your teacher shared a link or an embedded video with you, simply click on it and click the “Join” button when the pop-up window opens.
- If you don't have a link or video, you’ll need to ask your teacher or a classmate for the class code. Here’s where that code can be found:
- Teachers: By clicking the blue "Invite Students" button on the “Class members” tab for the class.
- Classmates: When viewing the class in Edpuzzle, in the upper right-hand corner.
Note: If your teacher uses Google Classroom, Microsoft Teams, or Clever with Edpuzzle, you won't need a class code because you’ll be automatically enrolled in their Edpuzzle class from that LMS. If you’re being prompted for a class code, double-check that you are logging into Edpuzzle with the same email address you use for your LMS.
If you haven’t created an account and need some help, check out this article on how to join Edpuzzle.
How does an open class work?
When your teacher uses an open class it means that you can join the class and access their assignments without having to create your own Edpuzzle account.
To invite you to their open class, your teacher will give you a class code or link.
When you have a class code:
- Head to
- Click “Open class” at the top of your page.
- Enter the class code provided by your teacher and then click the “Find class” button.
- Enter your name in the “Nickname” field and then click the “Join open class” button. Once you’ve joined the class you’ll see any assignments posted for you to complete.
When you have a class link:
- Follow that link to find the class.
- Enter your name in the “Nickname” field and then click the “Join open class” button.
Once you’ve joined the class you’ll see any assignments posted for you to complete.
Unless your teacher instructs you to do otherwise, make sure to use your real name when asked for a nickname. This is so that your teacher can identify who has completed their assignments and so that you can get the appropriate credit for your work.
To leave the class, click the “Leave Class” button at the top of your page. Keep in mind that because you’re not creating an Edpuzzle account, each time you exit and then re-enter the same class you will be entering fresh. This means that if you leave the class in the middle of an assignment you will not be able to pick up where you left off if you need to return later.
What does it mean when a class is archived?
When a class is archived, this will tuck it away in a separate section of your “My Classes” menu so that you can focus only on your current, active classes.
A class being archived also means that you can view assignments from within that class, but you will no longer be able to complete those assignments or submit responses for any assignments you hadn’t finished.
Classes can only be archived by the teacher of that class. If a class has ended and you don’t wish to have the class visible within your active classes, talk to your teacher about the possibility of archiving it. If they need some help, they can find instructions for archiving classes here.
I'm a student. How do I leave a class?
If you're in the wrong class or you want to leave a class that's not active anymore, you'll need to ask the teacher of that particular class to help you with this.
You can share these articles with them for instructions on how they can help:
Completing Assignments
How are my assignments organized?
For students, assignments are grouped into two categories:
This tab shows assignments that are currently active or due in the future.
There are two sections that fall under this category:
- "In Progress" shows assignments that are currently active. It also shows assignments you haven't completed yet but whose due dates have passed.
- "Upcoming Assignments" shows assignments that have start dates in the future. You can't access these videos before the start date.
You’ll also be able to filter assignments by whether or not they have a due date. This will help you determine which assignments are the highest priority. To do this, click the buttons for “All,” “Due Date,” or “No Due Date.”
This tab shows the assignments that you've finished. You can go back and rewatch completed assignments at any time.
Can I complete an assignment in multiple sittings?
If you need to take a break or maybe you ran out of time in class and need to complete your assignment later, you can!
Edpuzzle will automatically save your progress and any submitted responses for your assignments, so if you need to exit the video and come back to it, you can pick up right where you left off each time you return.
If you aren’t able to complete an assignment until after its due date, make sure to check with your teacher to see if they will accept the assignment late. Even if you’re able to continue watching the video and submit responses after the due date, your teacher’s policy on late work will decide whether or not they choose to give you full credit for the assignment.
How do I record an audio response?
When answering an open-ended question, you may have the opportunity to record an audio response, rather than or in addition to a written response.
To do this:
- Click the microphone icon next to “Answer with audio” beneath the response text box.
If your browser does not already have permission to use your computer’s microphone, you’ll need to grant it permission at this point. You’ll receive a prompt at the top of your browser if access needs to be granted. Follow the prompt to allow the use of your microphone. - As soon as you click the microphone icon, your recording will begin.
- To stop recording, click the red, blinking box.
- You can play back your audio response by clicking the play button to the left of your recording.
- If you aren’t happy with your response, click the trashcan icon on the right to delete it and then record a new response by clicking the microphone again.
- Once you’re done recording and satisfied with your answer, click “Submit” to move on in the video.
- Click the microphone icon next to “Answer with audio” beneath the response text box.
Your teacher will decide whether or not to allow audio responses for each open-ended question. If you feel that responding with audio is a necessary accommodation for you, talk to your teacher about enabling this option.
If you’re not sure if you should submit an audio response, a written response, or both, check with your teacher for instructions!
How do I turn on closed captioning or subtitles?
Some videos on YouTube have subtitles or closed captions. If your video assignment has closed captions, you can enable them on Edpuzzle.
To enable closed captions, follow these easy steps:
- Go to the video lesson you want to watch.
- Start playing the video.
- Click on the "CC" button to enable subtitles. Some videos have closed captions in multiple languages, so you can select the language of your choice.
Note: Not all videos have closed captions or subtitles, which is why the "CC" button won't appear if these aren't available.
If you need closed captions, ask your teacher to use YouTube's advanced search to filter videos with closed captions when they search for class videos.
How can I redo my assignment?
If you'd like to redo the assignment, you can ask your teacher if they would reset your progress. Resetting your progress will erase your initial attempt at the assignment so that you can try again.
If you want to change your answer to an open-ended question or include more detail in any of your responses, check with your teacher to see how they would like to handle this situation. Progress can only be reset for an entire assignment and not for individual questions within a video.
Once your progress is reset, we can’t recover the grade or responses from your first attempt so make sure that you’re ready to rewatch all of the video and answer all questions again before asking your teacher about this.
If your teacher needs help resetting your progress, they can find instructions here.
How do I write a comment to my teacher?
There are two ways to write comments to your teacher in Edpuzzle:
- While completing the assignment.
- After the assignment has been submitted.
Method 1: Comment while completing the assignment
- While watching a video lesson, after answering any question, click on the text below your response that says “Need to ask or add anything?”.
- A text box will appear where you can write a message to your teacher. Use this box to add additional details or context to your response, or to ask clarifying questions.
- To send your comment, click the paper airplane icon to the right.
Method 2: Comment after the assignment has been submitted
With this method, you can either write your teacher a comment that you didn’t get a chance to add while completing the assignment, or you can respond to a comment your teacher has left you.
- Access the assignment again and scroll down to view all of the questions and your responses.
- Below your response to each question, you’ll see a text box that says, “Send your teacher a comment…” Use this box to add additional details or context to your response, to ask clarifying questions, or to respond to a comment left by your teacher.
- To send your comment, click the paper airplane icon to the right.
To edit or delete a comment:
- Locate the comment you want to edit or delete.
- Hover over the text and click the ellipsis (...) that appears to the right.
- From the drop-down menu, select the action you want to complete.
- Choose “Edit comment” to edit the comment. Be sure to click the “Save” button to save your changes.
- Choose “Delete comment” to delete the comment. After selecting that option, a pop-up window will appear asking you to confirm your choice. Click “Cancel” if you decide not to delete the comment and click “Yes, delete” to delete the comment permanently.
Learning Management Systems
What is a Learning Management System (LMS)?
You may see the acronym “LMS” mentioned within our Help Center and in many other places throughout your education, particularly now with the rise of digital learning.
LMS stands for Learning Management System. Learning Management Systems are tools that schools use to administer, monitor, and track courses, lessons, grades, and more. Some of the most popular LMSs include Google Classroom, Microsoft Teams, Canvas, Schoology, Blackboard, and Moodle.
Edpuzzle offers integrations with several LMSs in order to help you and your teachers save time and effort when it comes to using Edpuzzle. What this means is that your teacher can connect their LMS to Edpuzzle to post assignments easily. It also means that you don’t need to leave your LMS (in most cases) to watch your assigned video lessons.
Edpuzzle currently integrates with the following:
- Google Classroom
- Microsoft Teams
- Canvas
- Schoology
- Moodle
- Blackboard
- Blackbaud
- PowerSchool
- Clever
- ClassLink
- D2L Brightspace
- eKadence
Many of the above LMSs don’t require you to create an Edpuzzle account to view your lessons. Instead, you’ll watch your assigned videos right from your LMS, making it super easy for you to complete your assignments.
If you’re not sure where to find your Edpuzzle video lessons or how to complete them, ask your teacher for help!
Using Edpuzzle with your LMS
Edpuzzle offers integrations with several Learning Management Systems (LMSs) in order to help you and your teachers save time and effort when it comes to using Edpuzzle.
When your teacher has connected their LMS to Edpuzzle, video lessons will be posted to and viewed directly from the LMS.
To access the video lessons:
- Head to the assignment posting in your LMS.
- Open the assignment provided.
- Click the play button to start the video.
That’s it!
If you need to complete the assignment over multiple sessions or if you want to rewatch the video for review purposes, all you need to do is find the assignment again. Your progress and responses will be saved if you need to finish the assignment at a later time and after you’ve completed the assignment you can rewatch it as many times as you like.
If you run into any trouble accessing or completing your assignments, check out this article for some quick troubleshooting.
What do I do if a video is blocked or restricted?
When watching an Edpuzzle video that comes from YouTube, you may encounter error messages. Usually, these errors have simple solutions or reasons for appearing. Some of the most common “restricted” error messages are below.
Age Restriction
When a video indicates that it is age-restricted, this is based on a classification made by YouTube. This restriction makes it so that the video can’t be viewed on third-party sites like Edpuzzle.
Unfortunately, there is nothing we can do about this. If you see this message, let your teacher know so that they can create a new lesson using a video that does not fall under the same restrictions, or make other accommodations.
Playback ID: XXXXXXX (“Please try again later.”)
Oftentimes this error comes up when there’s an ad blocker enabled in your browser. Make sure to disable any ad blockers for and it should resolve the issue.
If the problem persists, it could be due to an issue within your school’s network filter. In that case, notify your teacher of the error so that we can work with them to resolve the issue.
Private Video
If a video indicates that it is “Private” this means that the person who originally posted the video on YouTube has restricted access to it. Private videos are not visible to anyone other than the YouTube video owner and the video owner may decide to make a video private at any time.
Unfortunately, there is nothing we can do about this. If you see this message, let your teacher know so that they can create a new lesson using a video that does not fall under the same restrictions, or make other accommodations.
Restricted Mode (“Contact the Google Workspace Administrator”)
This error indicates that your school uses Restricted Mode on YouTube to help filter content that may not be appropriate for students. The video either needs to be approved by your teacher or you will need to sign in to YouTube with your school email address before being able to view the video in Edpuzzle.
First, log in to using your school email address. Double-check that you’re not logged into YouTube or your browser (if using Chrome) with a personal account.
Once you’re logged into YouTube with the appropriate account, try again to view the Edpuzzle assignment.
If you continue to receive the error, talk to your teacher to have them approve the video for students through YouTube’s Restricted Mode.
When in doubt, ask your teacher! If you’re not able to resolve any of these errors on your own or you see a different error message, make sure to notify your teacher that you can’t complete the assignment and why. Once they know what’s going on they can try to work with us to fix the issue or alter the assignment so that you can continue your work.
Troubleshooting Edpuzzle with your LMS
If you run into any errors while trying to complete your Edpuzzle assignments through your LMS, we’ve compiled a list of some basic tips and troubleshooting to help. Below you’ll find some of our most commonly used LMSs and corresponding troubleshooting. If you don’t see your LMS or your issue listed here, make sure to check in with your teacher for assistance!
Google Classroom
If you see an error message when trying to access your assignment that says you're not in your teacher’s class, there are a few reasons this could be happening:
- You didn't log into Edpuzzle with your Google Classroom email.
To fix this, log out of your current account and then log in again from by selecting the "Log In" button at the top of the page, then “I’m a Student,” and finally the “Sign In with Google” option. Make sure you select the email address associated with your Google Classroom account in the Google Sign-In pop-up. - You were added to your teacher’s Google Classroom roster after they connected the class to Edpuzzle.
If you’re a new or newer student in the class, just request that your teacher reimport their class list from Google Classroom to Edpuzzle to add you. After you’ve been added to the class on Edpuzzle, try again to access the assignment. - You’re trying to access an assignment from another class.
On Edpuzzle, assignments have a different link for each class. Even if the assignment is the same, each class will have a different link for the version of the assignment created for that class. Check with your teacher so that they can verify you’ve received the right link.
To ensure that your Edpuzzle assignments are turned in correctly on Google Classroom, make sure to revisit Google Classroom after completing your assignments in Edpuzzle to click the “Mark As Done” or “Resubmit” button. This helps notify your teacher that you’ve finished the assignment.
When accessing your Edpuzzle assignments in Canvas, make sure to always find them in the Assignments tab, rather than your calendar view or other locations. Trying to access Edpuzzle assignments from the incorrect location can cause issues that will prevent the video from loading properly.
If you see any errors when trying to access your assignments, first try refreshing your page a few times. When small errors occur, a quick refresh will typically clear the error so that you can move forward.
If you continue having trouble, try:
- Clearing your browser cookies and cache.
- Making sure you have ad and pop-up blockers disabled for Edpuzzle.
- Allowing 3rd-party cookies.
If you see any errors when trying to access your assignments, first try refreshing your page a few times. When small errors occur, a quick refresh will typically clear the error so that you can move forward.
If you continue having trouble, try:
- Clearing your browser cookies and cache.
- Making sure you have ad and pop-up blockers disabled for Edpuzzle.
- Allowing 3rd-party cookies.
- You didn't log into Edpuzzle with your Google Classroom email.
What do I do if I see a 403 error when signing in?
If you’re using a personal device, rather than one that your school has provided, this error may occur if your parents/guardians have Family Link enabled on the device which is blocking Google Sign-In on our website.
Share this link with your parents to have them remove those restrictions:
If you continue to have trouble, talk to your teacher about having them set a password for your account so that you can still access Edpuzzle by logging in with your email and that password, and not by using Google Sign-In.
Your teacher can learn more about setting your password here.
Any other issues or questions?
If you don’t see your specific issue listed in our other articles, here are some basic troubleshooting steps that can help clear up any trouble you may encounter.
For the best results, make sure you’re using one of the following:
- iPad or iPhone: download the Edpuzzle iOS App
- Android phone or tablet: download the Edpuzzle Android App
- Laptop/desktop: Chrome, Firefox, or Safari (latest versions)
If you’re using a browser:
- Clear your browser cookies and cache.
- Make sure you have ad blockers and pop-up blockers disabled for Edpuzzle.
- Allow third-party cookies.
Check your internet connection.
Issues related to videos or questions buffering or not loading properly could be due to a slow internet connection. We recommend watching the video after restarting your device and ensuring all other browser tabs and windows are closed. If available, you can also try connecting to the internet with an ethernet cable instead of Wi-Fi.
Use a different access point.
Try changing devices or browsers.
If you’re using a web browser on a mobile device (like a phone or tablet) download and use the Edpuzzle app instead of the browser.
For any questions not covered here, or continued difficulty after following our troubleshooting steps, ask your teacher for help!