• Connecting your Microsoft account

    If your school uses Microsoft Teams, connecting your Microsoft account is a quick and easy process!

    You can connect your Edpuzzle account to your Microsoft account and Microsoft Teams in two ways.

    Connecting your Microsoft account when signing up:

      1. From the homepage, click the "Sign up" button.
      2. Select "I’m a Teacher."
      3. Click the "Sign in with Microsoft" button and select the appropriate Microsoft account when prompted.
      4. Now your new account is automatically connected to Microsoft! You'll be able to use the "Sign in with Microsoft" button for added privacy and security.

    Connecting your Microsoft account from settings:

      1. Log in to your Edpuzzle account with your email and password.
      2. Click the circular icon in the upper right-hand corner of your page and then on your name in the drop-down menu.
      3. Once on your Profile page, scroll down to the section labeled "Connected accounts."
      4. Click "Connect with Microsoft" and select the appropriate Microsoft account when prompted.
      5. Now your account is automatically connected to Microsoft! You'll be able to use the "Sign in with Microsoft" button for added privacy and security and easily import your classes from Microsoft Teams for a smooth integration.

    Troubleshooting Microsoft Sign-In

    Microsoft Sign-In is not currently supported in the Safari browser. 

    • If you want to use Microsoft Sign-In, make sure you’re using another browser (like Chrome or Firefox).
    • If you want to continue using Safari, you’ll need to log into Edpuzzle with a username and password or Google Sign-In. 

    Your school/district may need to approve your use of Edpuzzle with the Microsoft SSO. If you encounter an error message requesting administrator approval or permission when trying to connect your Microsoft account or while importing classes from Microsoft Teams, check with your IT admin help!

    If you’re an IT admin who needs help approving the Edpuzzle app for your teachers within Microsoft Teams, here’s how to do this:

      1. Head to the Azure Active Directory admin center.
      2. Select Enterprise applications.
      3. Add the Edpuzzle app (Application ID: 3540209e-c425-4c2e-b3dc-be79e8c0abee).
      4. Once the Edpuzzle app has been added, access the application properties and then select “Permissions” from the left-hand menu.
      5. Click “Grant admin consent for Edpuzzle.” 


    Note: Your account email and your connected Microsoft account email can be different! 

    To learn about integrating with Microsoft Teams, check out this article.

  • Integrating with Microsoft Teams

    There are two methods of integrating with Microsoft Teams. The first is operated mainly from Microsoft Teams, while the other is operated mainly from Edpuzzle.

    Integration Method 1(recommended)

    With this first integration method, you’ll add the Edpuzzle app to Microsoft and create your assignments there as well.

    To add the Edpuzzle app to Microsoft Teams:

      1. Log into your Microsoft Teams account.
      2. Go to the Microsoft Teams App Store (click the “Apps” icon in the bottom-right corner of your screen)
      3. Search for “Edpuzzle” in the app search bar and click on the app when found.
      4. Click the drop-down arrow for the “Add” button and choose “Add to a team”.
      5. Choose the Team(s) to add the app on the next screen.
      6. Click the “Set up” button at the bottom of the window.
      7. If you’ve already connected your Microsoft account to your Edpuzzle account prior to adding the Edpuzzle app to Microsoft Teams, you’ll immediately be prompted to add a class. This will create an associated class on Edpuzzle where you can view assignments and student progress/grades. 
      8. Select the class’s grade level and subject, and add a description, if desired.
      9. Then, click “Next” to add the class and “Save” to close the pop-up window and view the new class.

    If you hadn’t already created an Edpuzzle account, you’ll be prompted to create one after clicking the “Set up” button while adding the Edpuzzle app. Follow the prompts to Sign Up on edpuzzle.com before returning to Microsoft Teams.

    If you do have an existing Edpuzzle account but hadn’t yet connected your Microsoft account to it, you’ll be prompted to do so after clicking the “Set up” button while adding the Edpuzzle app. To do this:

      1. Head to your Edpuzzle profile page.
      2. Scroll down to view your Connected Accounts.
      3. Click the “Connect with Microsoft” button.
      4. Choose the appropriate account in the pop-up window.

    If you’ve connected your Microsoft and Edpuzzle accounts after adding the Edpuzzle app to Microsoft Teams, you can sync your Teams classes using the “Add a tab” feature:

      1. Select the class you want to integrate from your Teams class list.
      2. Click the plus sign (+) at the top of the page to add a new tab.
      3. Search for Edpuzzle among the available apps and select it when found.
      4. You’ll immediately be prompted to add a class. This will create an associated class on Edpuzzle where you can view assignments and student progress/grades. 
      5. Select the class’s grade level and subject, and add a description, if desired.
      6. Then, click “Next” to add the class and “Save” to close the pop-up window and view the new class.

    How students interact with assignments using this integration method

    Using this integration method, students will be able to log into their Microsoft Teams accounts and complete their Edpuzzle video lessons right from there. No need for them to create a separate Edpuzzle account or leave Microsoft Teams!

    Your students will appear on your assignment and class lists in Edpuzzle after accessing their first Edpuzzle assignment in Microsoft Teams. Once they do, they will automatically populate.


    Integration Method 2

    With this second integration method, you’ll import your classes from Microsoft Teams to Edpuzzle and create your assignments there as well.

    Here’s how to set up your classes:

      1. Connect your Microsoft account to your Edpuzzle account, if you haven’t already. Follow the steps here to make that connection.
      2. After you’ve linked your Microsoft account, click the plus (+) sign next to "My Classes" in the menu on the left-hand side of your page.
      3. Click the “Microsoft Teams” button. 
      4. A list of your Microsoft Teams courses will appear. Check the box next to the class(es) you’d like to import.
      5. Fill in the subject and grade level fields for each class selected.
      6. Click the “Import classes” button to finish the import.

    How students interact with assignments using this integration method

    Using this integration method, students will create an Edpuzzle account in order to access and complete assignments. When clicking on an Edpuzzle assignment post in Microsoft Teams, a new window/tab will appear where they will be prompted to log into their Edpuzzle account (they will be able to use Microsoft Sign-In) before the video lesson appears. 


    To learn more about this integration, check out the following articles:

  • How do I share assignments to Microsoft Teams?

    There are two pathways to creating your Microsoft Teams-integrated assignments, depending on the method of integration you prefer.

    To create a new assignment from Microsoft Teams:

      1. Select the class you want to assign a video lesson from your Teams class list.
      2. Click on the “Assignments” tab in the left-hand menu.
      3. Click “Create” and then choose “Assignment” from the drop-down menu to start building your new assignment.
      4. Enter the assignment title and instructions, if desired.
      5. Click the “Apps” option below the assignment instructions.
      6. Search for and select “Edpuzzle” from the optional apps.
      7. Choose the video lesson you’d like to assign from your My Content library.
      8. Once selected, click the “Assign” button.
      9. Decide whether you want to prevent skipping or turn on closed captions using the toggle switches next to each option.
      10. Then, click “Assign” and “Save” to confirm your choices.
      11. Set the assignment “Points” to 100. If this field is not filled, your grades will not sync correctly!
      12. Choose your assignment due date.
      13. Lastly, click “Assign” to post your assignment!

    With this method, your students will view assignments directly from Microsoft Teams. This means easy access and no need for them to navigate to another website to complete their work.

    To learn more about the circumstances under which you might use this assignment method, check out this article.

    To create a new assignment from Edpuzzle:

      1. Log in to your Edpuzzle account.
      2. Click on your "My Content" library from the menu on the left-hand side of your page.
      3. Check the box(es) below the video(s) you wish to assign.
      4. Select "Assign" from the bottom menu.
      5. Choose the class(es) you want to assign the video to. 
      6. Click the "Next" button at the top of the page.
      7. Add a start date and due date (if necessary) and choose if you want to prevent skipping or turn on closed-captioning.
      8. Use the drop-down under "Attempts" to select the number of attempts you'd like to offer students to complete the assignment.
      9. Toggle the “Post on Microsoft Teams” option to “On” to allow Edpuzzle to post the assignment(s) automatically to Microsoft Teams.
        If you prefer not to post the assignment to Microsoft Teams right away, you can always do so later by clicking the “Post on Microsoft Teams” button in the assignment view on Edpuzzle.
      10. Click the "Assign" button at the top of the page and you're done!

    With this method, students will be prompted to visit epduzzle.com in a separate window/tab in order to complete their assignments. 

    To learn more about the circumstances under which you might use this assignment method, check out this article.

    No matter which assignment creation method you choose, your students’ progress and grades will be logged in Edpuzzle and will sync automatically to your Microsoft Teams grade book!

  • How do I share an assignment in a Microsoft Teams Meeting?

    For distance or hybrid learning, you may want to be present and available while students are working on completing their video lessons. You can do this easily by sharing an Edpuzzle assignment to your Microsoft Teams Meeting. There are two ways to do this:

    While creating the Meeting

      1. Follow the steps for creating an event in Microsoft Teams.
      2. After the event has been created, select the event from your calendar and click “Edit” from the options provided.
      3. At the top of the page, click the plus sign (+) to add a new tab.
      4. Search for and select Edpuzzle from the available apps.
      5. Click “Add” to confirm your choice.
      6. On the next screen, choose the class that you will be meeting with.
      7. Then, select the assignment you want to share in the Meeting and then click “Save” to post the assignment link in your Meeting.
        Remember that assignments are specific to the class they are assigned to. Only students in the selected class will be able to view the assignment you choose this way. If you have students or other faculty members joining your Meeting who are not in the chosen class, they will not be able to view the assignment using this method.
      8. Once you've started the Meeting and students have joined, click on the “present” icon to launch the Edpuzzle assignment.

    While in the Meeting

      1. Create an event in Microsoft Teams and then start your Meeting when ready.
      2. Before students join, click the ellipsis (...) at the top of the page and choose “+ Add an app” from the drop-down menu.
      3. Select “Edpuzzle” from the available apps and then click “Add.”
      4. On the next screen, choose the class that you will be meeting with.
      5. Then, select the assignment you want to share in the Meeting and then click “Save” to post the assignment link in your Meeting.
        Remember that assignments are specific to the class they are assigned to. Only students in the selected class will be able to view the assignment you choose this way. If you have students or other faculty members joining your Meeting who are not in the chosen class, they will not be able to view the assignment using this method.
      6. Once students have joined the meeting, click on the “present” icon to launch the Edpuzzle assignment.


    Note: This feature is only available while using the Microsoft Teams desktop application. Microsoft Teams does not permit the launching of external apps from a Meeting while using a browser.

    You may also be interested in our article on creating assignments using the Microsoft Teams integration.

  • Using Edpuzzle with Clever

    If your school uses Clever, connecting your Edpuzzle account is a quick and easy process!

    You can connect your Edpuzzle account to your Clever account in two ways:

    Connecting your Clever account when signing up

      1. Add the Edpuzzle app to your Clever account.
        (The Edpuzzle app in Clever is offered only for individual teachers. A district-wide app/integration is not available.)
      2. From your Clever account, select the Edpuzzle app to launch Edpuzzle.
      3. If you haven’t created an Edpuzzle account yet, you’ll be prompted to do so.
      4. Follow the steps to set up your Edpuzzle account.
      5. Now your new account is connected to Clever! You'll be able to launch Edpuzzle right from Clever for easy access and easily import your classes from Clever for a smooth integration.

    Connecting your Clever account from Settings

      1. Log into your Edpuzzle account with your email and password.
      2. Click the circular icon in the upper right-hand corner of your page and then on your name in the drop-down menu.
      3. Once on your profile page, scroll down to the section labeled "Connected accounts."
      4. Click "Connect with Clever" and select the appropriate Clever account when prompted.
      5. Choose the pages you’d like to display the Edpuzzle app in Clever and then click “Allow and continue” to finish the installation. 
      6. Now your account is connected to Clever! You'll be able to launch Edpuzzle right from Clever for easy access and easily import your classes from Clever for a smooth integration.

    How Students use Edpuzzle through Clever

    We’ll create a new Edpuzzle account for students automatically when they access the Edpuzzle app for the first time through Clever. Because they won’t be creating a separate username and password, students must always access Edpuzzle through Clever, rather than trying to log in from edpuzzle.com directly.

    With the Clever integration, you can:


    Note: Your account email and your connected Clever account email can be different! 

  • How do I import my Clever courses?

    To add new Clever classes to your Edpuzzle account:

      1. Click the plus (+) sign next to "My Classes" in the menu on the left-hand side of your page.
      2. Click the “Clever” button. If you haven’t already connected to your Clever account, you’ll need to do so before moving forward. Learn how to connect your account here.
      3. A list of your Clever courses will appear. Check the box next to the class(es) you’d like to import.
      4. Fill in the subject and grade level fields for each class selected.
      5. Click the “Import classes” button to finish the import.

    This will add your chosen classes to Edpuzzle for easy rostering!

    To learn about sharing a class with a co-teacher, check out this article.

  • Using Edpuzzle with ClassLink

    If your school uses ClassLink, connecting your Edpuzzle account is a quick and easy process!

    You can connect your Edpuzzle account to your ClassLink account in two ways:

    Connecting your ClassLink account when signing up

      1. Have your IT admin add the Edpuzzle app to your ClassLink LaunchPad.
        • For Tenant Administrators: When searching for and selecting the Edpuzzle app in the ClassLink App Center, make sure that “OAuth2” is indicated under the app title and that the app displays the current Edpuzzle logo (a single yellow puzzle pieceEdpuzzle - Logo - Puzzle@0.5x.png). 
      2. From your ClassLink account, select the Edpuzzle app to launch Edpuzzle.
      3. If you haven’t created an Edpuzzle account yet, you’ll be prompted to do so.
      4. Follow the steps to set up your Edpuzzle account.
      5. Now your new account is connected to ClassLink! You'll be able to launch Edpuzzle right from ClassLink for easy access and easily import your classes from ClassLink for a smooth integration.

    Connecting your ClassLink account from Settings

      1. Log into your Edpuzzle account with your email and password (or using Google or Microsoft Sign-In).
      2. Click the circular icon in the upper right-hand corner of your page and then on your name in the drop-down menu.
      3. Once on your profile page, scroll down to the section labeled "Connected accounts."
      4. Click "Connect with ClassLink" and select the appropriate ClassLink account when prompted.
      5. Now your account is connected to ClassLink! You'll be able to launch Edpuzzle right from ClassLink for easy access and easily import your classes from ClassLink for a smooth integration.

    Note: This integration is only available for users with the following roles in ClassLink: Teacher, Student, Parent, or Guardian. If your ClassLink account is that of a Tenant Administrator, you will receive a “Bad Request” error if you attempt to configure the integration for your own Edpuzzle account.

    Importing your classes from ClassLink

      1. Click the plus (+) sign next to "My Classes" in the menu on the left-hand side of your page.
      2. Click the “ClassLink” button. If you haven’t already connected to your ClassLink account, you’ll need to do so before moving forward.
      3. A list of your ClassLink courses will appear. Check the box next to the class(es) you’d like to import.
      4. Fill in the subject and grade level fields for each class selected.
      5. Click the “Import classes” button to finish the import.

    This will add your chosen classes to Edpuzzle for easy rostering!

    To learn about sharing a class with a co-teacher, check out this article.

    How students use Edpuzzle through ClassLink

    We’ll create a new Edpuzzle account for students automatically when you import their class to Edpuzzle from ClassLink. Because they won’t be creating a separate username and password, students must always access Edpuzzle through ClassLink, rather than trying to log in from edpuzzle.com directly.


    With the ClassLink integration, you can:

    • Launch Edpuzzle directly from ClassLink.
    • Import your classes and roster students from ClassLink to Edpuzzle.


    Note: Your account email and your connected ClassLink account email can be different! 

  • Using Edpuzzle With Canvas

    Take advantage of Edpuzzle’s seamless integration with Canvas to keep all of your video lessons and grades in the same place!

    In this article, you'll find sections on:

    I. How to Integrate Edpuzzle With Canvas

    II. How to Assign a Video Lesson on Canvas

    III. How Students Can Use Edpuzzle Through Canvas

    IV. Troubleshooting the Edpuzzle Integration on Canvas


    I. How to Integrate Edpuzzle With Canvas

    Set up the integration yourself by following the steps in this article, or forward it to your IT admin to install the integration for your whole school or district.

      1. Log in to Canvas, go to “Courses,” and select a class.
      2. Click on “Settings” from the menu bar on the left-hand side of your page. 
      3. Click on the “Apps” tab.
      4. Search for the Edpuzzle app in the App Center (type it in the search bar or scroll down until you find it), and click on it.
      5. Click on the blue “+ Add App” button. This will open a pop-up window.
      6. Now you'll need two pieces of information: the consumer key and shared secret. To find this information, open a new tab or window and log in to or sign up for Edpuzzle (see our article on how to create an account).
      7. Click on your circular profile icon in the upper right-hand corner, select your name from the dropdown menu to go to your profile, then click on the “School” tab.
      8. In the LMS dropdown menu at the bottom of the page, select Canvas.
      9. Copy your consumer key and shared secret.
      10. Now go back to Canvas.
      11. Enter the fields for “Consumer Key” and “Shared Secret” and click the blue “Add App” button.
      12. Refresh the page, and now Edpuzzle will appear in your list of external apps!

    If this doesn’t work, just ask your IT admin to follow these same steps from their admin panel in Canvas. You may not have permission as a teacher to add external apps.

    Once Edpuzzle has been added to Canvas, all you need to do is select the course of your choice and then click on “Edpuzzle” in the side menu. You’ll be prompted to log in, and then create a new class. Enter your class details and then “Create class” to finish set-up!

    To learn about sharing a class with a co-teacher, check out this article.

    Here’s a quick video tutorial to walk you through the above steps:

    II. How to Assign a Video Lesson on Canvas

      1. Go to “Courses” and choose the course you’d like to assign a video lesson.  
      2. Select “Assignments” from the menu bar on the left-hand side of your page.
      3. Click the “+ Assignment” button.
      4. Give your assignment a name, and in the “Submission Type” drop-down menu, select “External Tool.”
      5. Click the “Find” button, which will open the “Configure External Tool” pop-up. Select Edpuzzle.
      6. This will open another pop-up window showing your “My Content” library on Edpuzzle (or prompting you to log in if you haven't done so already).
      7. Select your video lesson by clicking on the video thumbnail, then the blue “Next” button.
      8. On the next screen, choose whether you want to prevent skipping or turn on closed captions using the toggle switches next to each option.
      9. Click the blue “Assign” button, which will return you to the “Configure External Tool” pop-up.
      10. Click the blue “Select” button to confirm your assignment and close the pop-up.
      11. Then you can set your due date and click the “Save” button to save the assignment (which won't be visible to your students), or the “Save & Publish” button to send it to your students.
      12. Now your video lesson will appear in your list of assignments on Canvas! Your students will start to appear on your Edpuzzle assignment and class lists as they access their first Edpuzzle assignment link.

    Best of all, once students complete the lessons their grades will automatically sync with Canvas!

    Note: If you're a teacher using the Canvas app, please note that you won't be able to view video lessons using a mobile device. You can, however, view them on a tablet.

    Here’s a quick video tutorial to walk you through the above steps: 

    III. How Students Can Use Edpuzzle Through Canvas

    Your students will be able to log in to their Canvas accounts and complete your Edpuzzle video lessons right from there! Here are some things to keep in mind depending on the device they're using:

    • For laptops/desktops: Students simply need to log in to Canvas and click on the assignment(s) to view your video lessons.
    • For tablets: Students should use the Canvas app to view your video lessons.
    • For mobile (cell phones): Students will need to use both the Canvas and Edpuzzle apps. When they go to watch a video lesson through the Canvas app, they'll get a pop-up prompting them to download the Edpuzzle app if they haven't already, or if they have, students will be asked to open it in the Edpuzzle app. When they're finished, they can return to the Canvas app.

    Here’s a short video to show how students will complete their Edpuzzle assignments:

    IV. Troubleshooting the Edpuzzle Integration on Canvas 

    Here are some common issues that may come up as you're using the Edpuzzle integration with Canvas and how to solve them.

    Where can I find student projects?

    At the moment, the student projects feature is not available for the Canvas integration.

    Why aren't my sections appearing in Edpuzzle?

    If you've set up various sections of the same class in Canvas, when you look at your Gradebook on Edpuzzle, all of the students will appear as if they were in the same class. This is because we don't have a Sections feature on Edpuzzle, but don't worry – your sections and gradebook in Canvas will still work perfectly!

    Canvas Features That Aren't Available With the Edpuzzle Integration

    A few features aren't supported with the Edpuzzle Canvas Integration. These include:

    • Speed grader. You can still easily grade your students' answers by going to the assignment and clicking on "X answers to be graded."
    • Reusing, cloning, or importing previous classes or assignments. For Edpuzzle classes and assignments, this feature isn't currently available. 

    For more troubleshooting solutions, check out this video.


    Any questions? Contact us at support@edpuzzle.com 

  • Using Edpuzzle With Schoology

    Take advantage of Edpuzzle’s seamless integration with Schoology to keep all of your video lessons and grades in the same place!

    In this article, you'll find sections on:

    I. How to Integrate Edpuzzle With Schoology

    II. How to Assign a Video Lesson on Schoology

    III. How Students Can Use Edpuzzle Through Schoology

    IV. Troubleshooting the Edpuzzle Integration on Schoology

     I. How to Integrate Edpuzzle With Schoology

    Set up the integration yourself by following the steps in this article, or forward it to your IT admin or tech support person to install the integration for your whole school or district.

    Here's how to install the Edpuzzle app:

    For IT admins:

      1. Log in to Schoology and use the following link to find the Edpuzzle app: https://app.schoology.com/apps/profile/2043389789 
      2. Click on the blue "Install LTI" button and choose "I agree" from the pop-up window. 
      3. Select "Add to Organization."
      4. This will open a new page. Click on "Configure."
      5. Now you'll need two pieces of information: the consumer key and shared secret. To find this information, open a new tab or window and log in to or sign up for Edpuzzle (see our article on how to create an account).
      6. Click on your circular profile icon in the upper right-hand corner, select your name from the drop-down menu to go to your profile, then click on the “School” tab (www.edpuzzle.com/profile?tab=school).
      7. In the LMS drop-down menu at the bottom of the page, select Schoology.
      8. Copy your consumer key and shared secret.
      9. Enter this information back in Schoology where prompted.
      10. Now click the "Install/Remove" button, select "All Courses" and also check "Course admins only." Then click the "Submit" button.

    Here’s a quick video tutorial to walk you through the above steps.

    For teachers:

      1. Log in to Schoology and use the following link to find the Edpuzzle app: https://app.schoology.com/apps/profile/2043389789 
      2. Click on the blue "Install LTI" button and choose "I agree" from the pop-up window.
      3. Deselect "Add to my homepage" and select the course you want to add Edpuzzle for as well as the "Course admins only" option below each course. Click "Install."
      4. Now you'll need two pieces of information: the consumer key and shared secret. To find this information, open a new tab or window and log in to or sign up for Edpuzzle (see our article on how to create an account).
      5. Click on your circular profile icon in the upper right-hand corner, select your name from the drop-down menu to go to your profile, then click on the “School” tab (www.edpuzzle.com/profile?tab=school).
      6. In the LMS drop-down menu at the bottom of the page, select Schoology.
      7. Copy your consumer key and shared secret.
      8. Go back to Schoology.
      9. Open up your course and click on “Course Options,” then select “External Tool Providers.” Click on the Edpuzzle external tool. A pop-up window will open allowing you to enter the consumer key and the shared secret, then click “Submit.”

    To learn about sharing a class with a co-teacher, check out this article.

    Here’s a quick video tutorial to walk you through the above steps:


    II. How to Assign a Video Lesson on Schoology

      1. Go to “Courses” and choose the course you’d like to assign a video lesson. 
      2. Click on “Materials” in the menu on the left-hand side of your page.
      3. In the “Add Materials” drop-down menu, select “Edpuzzle.”
      4. This will open a pop-up window showing your “My Content” library on Edpuzzle (or prompting you to log in if you haven't done so already).
      5. Select your video lesson by clicking on the video thumbnail, then the blue “Next” button.
      6. On the next screen, choose whether you want to prevent skipping or turn on closed captions using the toggle switches next to each option.
      7. Click the blue “Assign” button, which will return you to the “Materials” page.
      8. Now click on the gear icon to the right of the assignment you've just created and select "Edit."
      9. Check the “Enable Grading” box in the pop-up window, select a category for your grades (i.e. homework) and click the blue “Save Changes” button. You can optionally set a due date at this point. (Note: Do NOT enter the consumer key and shared secret in this window as it will create errors for your students.)
      10. Now your video lesson is ready for your students on Schoology! Your students will start to appear on your Edpuzzle assignment and class lists as they access their first Edpuzzle assignment link.

    Best of all, once students complete the lessons their grades will automatically sync with Schoology!

    Note: If you're a teacher using the Schoology app, please note that you won't be able to view video lessons using a mobile device. You can, however, view them on a tablet.

    Here’s a quick video tutorial that will walk you through the above steps:

    III. How Students Can Use Edpuzzle Through Schoology

    Your students will be able to log in to their Schoology accounts and complete your Edpuzzle video lessons right from there! Here are some things to keep in mind depending on the device they're using:

    • For laptops/desktops: Students simply need to log in to Schoology and click on the assignment(s) to view your video lessons.
    • For tablets: Students should use the Schoology app to view your video lessons.
    • For mobile (cell phones): Students will need to use both the Schoology and Edpuzzle apps. When they go to watch a video lesson through the Schoology app, they'll get a pop-up prompting them to download the Edpuzzle app if they haven't already, or if they have, students will be asked to open it in the Edpuzzle app. When they're finished, they can return to the Schoology app.

    Here’s a short video to show how students will complete their Edpuzzle assignments:

    IV. Troubleshooting the Edpuzzle Integration With Schoology

    Here are some common issues that may come up as you're using the Edpuzzle integration with Schoology and how to solve them.

    • Linked classes. If you're teaching the same class to multiple sections/periods, you may be using linked classes on Schoology. Be aware that if you're viewing your students in Edpuzzle, they'll all appear in one large class rather than in your separate linked classes (however, your grades will be sorted correctly in Schoology, so don't worry).
      • In addition, you should NOT use the “Sections” drop-down menu in Schoology to select your different class sections. If you accidentally use the drop-down menu and click on another section, this will create a new Edpuzzle class, which will produce errors for you and your students. If this happens, follow the steps in this article to delete the duplicate class (the version of the class with no assignments listed).
    • Students are being asked to verify their email addresses. When you set up the Edpuzzle integration, if you didn't click "Course admins only" (see Section I, For teachers, step 4), your students will be asked to verify their email addresses. You'll need to go back and repeat the integration process, this time making sure to select the checkbox for "Course admins only."
    • You can see your students’ grades, but not their names on your assignment list. This can happen if there's a configuration error with the integration between Edpuzzle and Schoology.
      • Make sure you've installed the Edpuzzle integration correctly (see Section I). Check that the "Privacy" settings are set to "Send Name and Email/Username of user who launches the tool". Additionally, please make sure you're assigning the assignments correctly (see Section II).
      • Make sure that the "Consumer Key" and "Shared secret" fields are empty when editing an assignment (see Section II). If the fields need to be cleared, verify that those fields are empty before students access the assignment again. Students must access the newly edited assignment for the names to be exported to Edpuzzle. 
    • Students see the "Oops! It seems there's some configuration issue. Ask your IT Admin for advice" error. This can come from two different problems:
      • If you are using linked classes and the error only appears for some classes: check the first bullet point of this troubleshooting section.
      • If you are not using linked classes and the error appears for all students: make sure that the "Consumer Key" and "Shared Secret" fields are empty when editing an assignment (see Section II).
    • Where can I find student projects? At the moment, the student projects feature is not available for the Schoology integration.
    • Reusing, cloning, or importing previous classes or assignments. For Edpuzzle classes and assignments, this feature isn't currently available. 

    For more troubleshooting solutions, check out this video.

    Any questions? Contact us at support@edpuzzle.com.

  • Using Edpuzzle With Moodle

    Keep all of your video lessons and grades in the same place with Edpuzzle’s seamless integration with Moodle.

    In this article, you'll find sections on:

    I. How to Integrate Edpuzzle With Moodle

    II. How to Assign a Video Lesson on Moodle

    Set up the integration yourself by following the steps in this article, or forward it to your IT admin or tech support person to install the integration for your whole school or district!


    I. How to Integrate Edpuzzle With Moodle

    Follow these steps to integrate Edpuzzle with Moodle:

      1. Log in to Moodle and click on the “Site administration” tab.

      2. Click on the “Plugins” tab.

      3. Scroll down and select “Manage tools” (under “External tool”).

      4. In the “Add tool” section, click on the hyperlink “configure a tool manually.”

      5. On the “External tool configuration” screen, fill in the fields for “Tool name” (Edpuzzle), “Tool URL” (https://lticonfig.edpuzzle.com/moodle/admin_config.xml), “Consumer key” and “Shared secret.” (The consumer key and shared secret can be found in the School tab in your profile on Edpuzzle.)

      6. For the “Tool configuration usage” field, select the third option: “Show in activity chooser and as a preconfigured tool.”

      7. For the “Default launch container” field, select “Embed, without blocks” and make sure to check the box for the “Content-Item Message.”
      8. Check the box next to "Supports Deep Linking."
      9. Expand the “Privacy” section and select “Always” for the fields “Share launcher’s name with tool,” “Share launcher’s email with tool,” and “Accept grades from the tool.”
      10. Then, make sure to check the box “Force SSL.”

      11. Click on the blue “Save changes” button. 

      12. Now Edpuzzle will appear in your tools!

    To learn about sharing a class with a co-teacher, check out this article.

    Here’s a quick video tutorial to walk you through the above steps:


    II. How to Assign a Video Lesson on Moodle

    Once you’ve integrated Edpuzzle, you’ll need to follow these steps to assign an edpuzzle on Moodle:

      1. If you haven't already, make sure you've turned on "Edit mode" using the toggle switch at the top of your page.
      2. Find the class you’d like to assign a video lesson and click  “+ Add an activity or resource.”
      3. From the pop-up window, select Edpuzzle.

      4. On the next screen, click on the gray “Select content” button.

      5. If this is your first time creating an assignment using this integration, you'll be prompted to sign in to your Edpuzzle account and create a new class. Fill in the class details and then click the "Create class" button towards the top of the window.
      6. On the next screen, you'll see your My Content library. Select your video lesson by clicking on the video thumbnail, then the blue “Next” button.
      7. On the next screen, choose whether you want to prevent skipping or turn on closed captions using the toggle switches next to each option.
      8. Click the blue “Assign” button to confirm your choice and close the pop-up window.
      9. Expand the Privacy section and make sure the boxes are checked for each of the options: “Share launcher’s name with tool,” “Share launcher’s email with tool,” and “Accept grades from the tool.”
      10. Choose to either “Save and return to course” or “Save and display.”

      11. Now your video lesson will appear for your class on Moodle and your grades will be automatically synced!

    Here’s a quick video tutorial to walk you through the above steps:

  • Using Edpuzzle With Blackboard

    Take advantage of Edpuzzle’s integration with Blackboard so your students can watch and complete their edpuzzles directly from your LMS, and grades will be synced automatically!

    In this article, you'll find sections on:

    I. How to Integrate Edpuzzle With Blackboard

    II. How to Assign a Video Lesson on Blackboard


    I. How to Integrate Edpuzzle With Blackboard

    Ask your IT Admin to follow these steps to set up the integration for your whole school or district:

      1. Log in to Blackboard and go to the “Administrator Panel”.
      2. In the Integrations section, click on “Register LTI 1.1 Provider” under “LTI Tool Providers”.
      3. In the Register Provide Domain section, go to the Provider Domain Status and enter “edpuzzle.com” in the “Provider Domain” field.
      4. In the “Default Configuration” field, select “Set globally”.
      5. In the Tool Provider Key and the Tool Provider Secret fields, enter the consumer key and shared secret found in your Edpuzzle account. 
        • To find this information, open a new tab or window and log in to or sign up for Edpuzzle (see our article on how to create an account).
        • Click on your circular profile icon in the upper right-hand corner, select your name from the dropdown menu to go to your profile, then click on the “School” tab.
        • In the LMS dropdown menu at the bottom of the page, select Blackboard, and your codes will appear.
      6. Under “Institution Policies,” select “Send user data”.
        • Choose “Send user data over any connection”. 
        • Under “User Fields to Send,” check the boxes for “Role in Course,” “Name,” and “Email Address”.
      7. Click the “Submit” button.
      8. Under “Tool/Provider,” select the checkbox next to “edpuzzle.com”.
      9. From the drop-down menu, select “Manage Placements”.
      10. Click the “Create Placement” button.
      11. In the “Label” field, enter “Edpuzzle”.
      12. In the “Handle” field, enter “Edpuzzle”.
      13. In the “Type” field, select “Course content tool” and check the box for “Allows grading”.
      14. In the “Tool Provider URL” field, enter “https://edpuzzle.com/lti/assignments/launch
      15. Click the “Submit” button to finish the setup process.

    Note: Double-check that you've enabled grading for LTI Tool providers by going to LTI Tool Providers > Manage Global Properties > Enable grading.

    II. How to Assign a Video Lesson on Blackboard

      1. Log into Blackboard and select the class you want to assign a video lesson.
      2. Click on the “Build Content” tab.
      3. Select “Edpuzzle” from the drop-down menu.
      4. In the “Name” field, type in a name for your assignment.
      5. Under “Grading,” type in the maximum number of points in the “Points Possible” field (i.e. 100, 10, etc.).
      6. Decide if you want to set a due date, and then click the “Submit” button.
      7. Now, you’ll see the name of your assignment – click on it to open your Edpuzzle My Content library. 
      8. Select the video lesson you want to assign.
      9. Click the blue “Assign” button.
      10. Choose whether you want to prevent skipping or turn on closed captions using the toggle switches next to each option. 
      11. Click the blue “Assign” button to confirm your choices.
      12. After the assignment is published, click the ellipsis (...) to the right of the assignment post and select “Edit” from the drop-down menu that appears.
      13. Make sure that the “Create gradebook entry for this item” option is checked. This will allow grades to sync from Edpuzzle to Blackboard.
      14. Click the “Save” button to confirm your assignment settings.
      15. Now your Edpuzzle assignment will appear for your students right from within Blackboard!
  • Using Edpuzzle With PowerSchool

    When you integrate Edpuzzle with PowerSchool, teachers will be able to assign video lessons for students to complete, all right from within PowerSchool!

    In this article, you'll find sections on:

    I. How to Integrate Edpuzzle With PowerSchool

    II. How to Assign a Video Lesson on PowerSchool


    I. How to Integrate Edpuzzle With PowerSchool

    You’ll need to ask your IT Admin to set up the integration for your whole school or district by following these steps:

      1. Log in to PowerSchool and go to “Domain Control.”
      2. Click on the “Applications” tab.
      3. Select “LTI Tools” from the menu.
      4. Click on “+ Add LTI Tool.”
      5. Type in “Edpuzzle” for the configuration name.
      6. In the “Host” field, enter: https://edpuzzle.com/lti/assignments/launch
      7. Enter the Configuration Key and Shared Secret (find this in the “School” tab of your profile on Edpuzzle).
      8. Check the “Privacy” checkbox that says “Share names and email addresses with tool.”
      9. Click “Save.”
      10. If the tool is disabled, click on “Manage Tool” and select “Enable.”

    II. How to Assign a Video Lesson on PowerSchool

    For teachers, when you want to create an Edpuzzle assignment on PowerSchool, follow these steps:

      1. Log in to PowerSchool and click on the class you want to assign an edpuzzle for.
      2. Choose “Activities” from the white menu bar and select “LTI & SCORM” from the drop-down menu.
      3. Click on the “+ Add Assignment” button, which will open a pop-up window.
      4. Click on “Edpuzzle.”
      5. Enter a title for your assignment, then click “Save & Configure.”
      6. Click on the edpuzzle you want to assign.
      7. When you’ve decided if you want to prevent skipping or turn on closed captions, click on the blue “Assign” button.
      8. In the bottom menu bar, click the “Publish” button.
      9. A new pop-up will open where you can choose the start date and due date for your assignment, allow late submissions, create a gradebook entry, choose the assignment’s location on your page and how you want to display the assignment (in a link or embedded in your LMS).
      10. Click “Finish.”

    Now your students can see and complete your Edpuzzle assignment right from within PowerSchool! Once your students have completed their assignment and you’ve corrected all their answers, you can enter the grades in the corresponding entry in your PowerSchool gradebook.

    Need help with something? Contact us at support@edpuzzle.com.

  • Using Edpuzzle With Blackbaud

    Integrate Edpuzzle with your LMS so that teachers can assign video lessons for students to complete right from within Blackbaud!

    In this article, you'll find sections on:

    I. How to Integrate Edpuzzle With Blackbaud

    II. How to Assign a Video Lesson on Blackbaud


    I. How to Integrate Edpuzzle With Blackbaud

    You’ll need to ask your IT Admin to set up the integration for your whole school or district. (If they need any help, they can reach us at the email address listed at the bottom of this article.) To do so, they'll need to follow these steps:

    1. From the top menu, select "Core" then "Settings" (with the gear icon), then "Integration settings" and choose the "Learning tools" tab.
    2. Click on the "+ Add Provider" button on the right, which will open up a pop-up window.
    3. From the "Provider Type" dropdown menu, select "Other Provider."
    4. Choose “LTI 1.1 tool”
    5. Enter “Edpuzzle” as the Provider Name.
    6. Under "Connection information", select "Fixed."
    7. In the "Launch URL" field, type in this URL: https://edpuzzle.com/lti/assignments/launch
    8. Find the "Consumer Key" and "Shared Secret" in your Edpuzzle profile under the "School" tab. Enter this information in the corresponding fields in the provider setup window in Blackbaud.
    9. Click the "Save" button.

    II. How to Assign a Video Lesson on Blackbaud

    For teachers, when you want to create an Edpuzzle assignment on Blackbaud, follow these steps:

    1. Log in to Blackbaud and select the class you want to assign an Edpuzzle for.
    2. Select the “Assignments” tab, then click on the “+ Assignment” button in the menu on the right.
    3. This will open a pop-up window. Give your assignment a title and a description (optional), and then select your assignment type from the “Type” dropdown menu.
    4. Choose “Edpuzzle” from the “Learning Tool” dropdown menu, and click on the blue “Save” button which will close the pop-up window.
    5. Now click on your new Edpuzzle assignment under “Course Work.”
    6. On the next screen, click “Launch”, which opens Edpuzzle.
    7. Click on the video lesson of your choice, and then click on the blue “Assign” button.

    Now your students can see and complete your Edpuzzle assignment right from Blackbaud!

    Once your students have completed their assignment and you’ve corrected all their answers, you can enter the grades in the corresponding entry in your Blackbaud gradebook.

  • Using Edpuzzle with D2L Brightspace

    When you integrate Edpuzzle with D2L Brightspace, teachers will be able to assign video lessons for students to complete, all right from within D2L Brightspace!

    How to integrate Edpuzzle with D2L Brightspace

    Teachers will need to ask their IT admin to set up the integration for your whole school or district by following these steps:

      1. From your Brightspace admin account, click the gear icon in the top right-hand corner of your screen to access your Settings.
      2. Select “Remote Plugins” from the drop-down list that appears.
      3. Click the “New Remote Plugin” button towards the top of the page.
      4. In the Plugin Type drop-down menu, select “Quicklink (CIM)”. Then set the Width to “800” and the Height to “750”.
      5. In the Name field, type “Edpuzzle”.
      6. In the Launch Point URL field, enter the following: https://edpuzzle.com/lti/assignments/create
      7. Enter your Consumer Key in the LTI Key field and Shared Secret in the LTI Secret field. To find these codes, open a new tab or window and log in to or sign up for Edpuzzle (see our article on how to create an account, if necessary). Click on your circular profile icon in the upper right-hand corner, select your name from the drop-down menu to go to your profile, then click on the “School” tab. In the LMS drop-down menu at the bottom of the page, select D2L Brightspace. Then, copy and paste the codes into the appropriate fields in Brightspace.
      8. In the OAuth Signature Method drop-down menu, select “HMAC-SHA1”.
      9. In the Small Icon URL field, enter the following: https://edpuzzle.imgix.net/favicons/favicon-32.png
      10. Click the “Add Org Units” button and check off each unit you’d like to make Edpuzzle available for, then click the “Insert” button to confirm your selection.
      11. Click the “Save” button at the bottom of the page to finish the Remote Plugin configuration.

    After configuring the Edpuzzle Remote Plugin, you’ll need to configure the Security settings for the Edpuzzle Tool Provider:

      1. From your Brightspace admin account, click the gear icon in the top right-hand corner of your screen to access your Settings.
      2. Select “External Learning Tools” from the drop-down list that appears.
      3. Select “Manage Tool Providers”.
      4. Click on the Edpuzzle Launch Point.
      5. Scroll down to find the Security Settings section and be sure to enable the following:
          • Send tool consumer information to tool provider
          • Send context information to tool provider.
          • Send LTI user ID and LTI role list to tool provider
          • Send user name to tool provider
      6. Click “Save and close” to finalize the settings.

    To learn about sharing a class with a co-teacher, check out this article.

    Adding Edpuzzle to the course navigation bar (Navbar)

    Adding the Edpuzzle Learning Tool to the course Navbar will allow teachers to easily view Edpuzzle assignments and track student progress, all from within Brightspace. This is a two-part process. The first part must be completed by the IT admin, and the second part by each teacher.

    For IT Admins:

      1. From your Brightspace admin account, click the gear icon in the top right-hand corner of your screen to access your Settings.
      2. Select “Remote Plugins” from the drop-down list that appears.
      3. Click the “New Remote Plugin” button towards the top of the page.
      4. In the Plugin Type drop-down menu, select “Navbar”. Then, in the Target drop-down menu, select “Same Frame”.
      5. In the Name field, type “Edpuzzle”.
      6. In the Launch Point URL field, enter the following: https://edpuzzle.com/lti/courses/launch
      7. Enter your Consumer Key in the LTI Key field and Shared Secret in the LTI Secret field. You’ll use the same codes as you used for the integration configuration. (See Step 7 above.)
      8. In the OAuth Signature Method drop-down menu, select “HMAC-SHA1”.
      9. In the Icon URL field, enter the following: https://edpuzzle.imgix.net/favicons/favicon-32.png
      10. Click the “Add Org Units” button and check off each unit you’d like to make Edpuzzle available for, then click the “Insert” button to confirm your selection.
      11. Click the “Save” button at the bottom of the page to finish the Remote Plugin configuration.

    After configuring the Edpuzzle Remote Plugin for the course Navbar, you’ll need to configure the Security settings for the Edpuzzle Tool Provider:

      1. From your Brightspace admin account, click the gear icon in the top right-hand corner of your screen to access your Settings.
      2. Select “External Learning Tools” from the drop-down list that appears.
      3. Select “Manage Tool Providers”.
      4. Click on the Edpuzzle Launch Point.
      5. Scroll down to find the Security Settings section and be sure to enable the following:
          • Send tool consumer information to tool provider
          • Send context information to tool provider.
          • Send LTI user ID and LTI role list to tool provider
      6. Click “Save and close” to finalize the settings.

    For Teachers

    For each course’s Navbar you’d like to include the Edpuzzle Learning Tool, complete the following steps:

      1. Select the class from your Brightspace homepage.
      2. Hover your mouse over your NavbarClick and click the ellipsis (...) that appears all the way to the right.
      3. Select “Edit this Navbar” from the drop-down menu that appears.
      4. In the Links section, click the “Add Links” button.
      5. Use the search bar in the pop-up window to search for “Edpuzzle” and select it.
      6. Click the “Add” button to confirm your choice.
      7. Feel free to reorganize the links in your Navbar by dragging and dropping them to your preferred order in the Links section. If you’ll be using Edpuzzle frequently, this will make the Learning Tool more easily accessible!
      8. Click “Save and close” to finalize the settings.

    How to assign an Edpuzzle video lesson in D2L Brightspace

      1. Select the class you’d like to assign an Edpuzzle video lesson to from your Brightspace homepage.
      2. Click on “Assignments” in the Navbar at the top of your page.
      3. Click the “New Assignment” button.
      4. Enter a name for your assignment and set a point value in the “Grade Out Of” field.
          • If the “Grade Out Of” field is set to “Ungraded,” we will not be able to sync student grades from Edpuzzle to your Brightspace grade book.
      5. In the Instructions section, click on the image of a link to add a Quicklink.
      6. Scroll down to the “Third Party” section of the pop-up window and select “Edpuzzle”.
      7. You will then see your Edpuzzle My Content library.
          • If this is your first time creating an assignment using this integration, you’ll initially be prompted to log into your Edpuzzle account and then create a new class. Log in using your Edpuzzle credentials and fill in the required fields for the class where prompted, then click “Create class” to continue on.
      8. Select your video lesson by clicking on the video thumbnail, then the blue “Next” button.
      9. On the next screen, choose whether you want to prevent skipping or turn on closed captions using the toggle switches next to each option.
      10. Click the blue “Assign” button, which will return you to the assignment creation page where you’ll see a link to the Edpuzzle video lesson has appeared in the Instructions field.
      11. Click “Save and close” to post your assignment.

    Here’s a quick video tutorial to walk you through the above steps:

    How students can use Edpuzzle through D2L Brightspace

    Your students will be able to log in to their D2L Brightspace accounts and complete your Edpuzzle video lessons right from there. When they click on an Edpuzzle assignment link, the video will open in a new tab, ready to play (no need for students to create or log in to an Edpuzzle account). After students finish the video lesson, they can close that tab and return to their Brightspace dashboard.

    All student progress should automatically sync to your Brightspace grade book!

  • Using Edpuzzle with eKadence (BETA)

    When you integrate Edpuzzle with eKadence, teachers will be able to assign video lessons for students to complete and monitor their progress, all right from within eKadence!

    How to Integrate Edpuzzle With eKadence

    Teachers will need to ask their IT admin to set up the integration for your whole school or district by following these steps:

      1. In eKadence, click on the “Administration” tab at the top of your page.
      2. Select “Integrations” from the left-hand menu.
      3. Click the “+ Add” button.
      4. In the Site drop-down, select “All Sites”.
      5. In the App Type drop-down, select “App”.
      6. Enter “Edpuzzle” in both the App Name and the Display Title fields.
      7. In the Integration Type drop-down, select “LTI”.
      8. Locate your Consumer Key and Shared Secret. 
          • To find this information, open a new tab or window and log into or sign up for Edpuzzle.
          • Click on your circular profile icon in the upper right-hand corner, select your name from the drop-down menu to get to your profile, then click on the “School” tab.
          • In the LMS drop-down menu at the bottom of the page, select “eKadence”.
          • Copy your consumer key and shared secret.
      9. Head back to eKadence and enter your Consumer Key and Shared Secret in their respective fields.
      10. In the URL field, enter “https://edpuzzle.com/lti/assignments/launch”.
      11. On the right side of the page, make sure the boxes for “Activity” and “Activity Content Block” are checked off so the Edpuzzle app is available in those locations.
      12. Click the “Save” button at the bottom of the page to finish adding the tool for your staff.

    How to Assign a Video Lesson on eKadence

      1. Head to the class you’d like to assign a video lesson to in eKadence.
      2. Select “Assignments” in the left-hand menu.
      3. Click the “+ Assignment” button.
      4. Give your assignment a name and add instructions if you wish.
      5. On the right-hand side of the page, under the Student Submission section, select “External App” from the drop-down menu.
      6. Select “Edpuzzle” from the External application name drop-down.
      7. On the right-hand side of the page, under the Grading section, make sure that the “Is Graded” option is checked off. 
      8. Click the “Create” button at the bottom of the page.
      9. On the next screen, select the video lesson you want to assign and then the “Next” button.
          • If this is your first time using the integration with a class, you’ll be prompted to log into your Edpuzzle account and then to create a new class (this will set the class up in your Edpuzzle account).
      10. Choose your Edpuzzle assignment settings, like multiple attempts, prevent skipping, speed up videos, or turn on closed captions.
      11. Click the “Assign” button to confirm your selections.

    As students complete assignments, grades will automatically sync from Edpuzzle to your eKadence grade book!

    How Students Can Use Edpuzzle Through eKadence

    Your students will be able to log in to their eKadence accounts and complete your Edpuzzle assignments right from there! Students will not need to create or use an Edpuzzle account. 

    You’ll see students populate on your Edpuzzle assignment and class lists as they access their first Edpuzzle assignment in eKadence.

  • LMS troubleshooting

    In this article, you'll find some basic troubleshooting to help you handle some of the most common issues when using Edpuzzle with an LMS.

    I. I can't log in and I'm using Safari

    Safari has a feature called “Prevent cross-site tracking.” This feature prevents LMS' from being able to connect to Edpuzzle and can generate multiple errors such as not being able to sign in.

    If you're using Safari on Mac:

      1. Open Safari.
      2. From the top bar, click on "Safari" and then on "Preferences..."
      3. In the new window, go the "Privacy" tab.
      4. Uncheck the "Prevent cross-site tracking" option.
      5. Log out of your LMS and close Safari.
      6. Open Safari again and log in to your LMS.

    If you're using an iPhone or iPad:

      1. Go to the "Settings" app.
      2. Scroll down and look for Safari. Tap it.
      3. Look for the "Privacy & Security" section. 
      4. Toggle off the "Prevent cross-site tracking" option.

    II. I can't log in and I'm not using Safari OR solution I. didn't work

    First, refresh the website. If it doesn't work, then go back to your LMS class home page and try accessing the assignment again.

    Lastly, please make sure that you have cookies and pop-overs enabled by following the steps mentioned here: I can't log in / sign up. 

    III. I have another issue

    Please check the troubleshooting section for your LMS:


    If the error you're experiencing isn't listed here or you need any further assistance, please get in touch with us at support@edpuzzle.com.

  • How do I export grades to my LMS?

    With Edpuzzle, importing the grades from an assignment is a breeze. In fact, it's virtually automatic!

    For Google Classroom, Microsoft Teams, Canvas, Schoology, Moodle, and D2L Brightspace:

    Grades are exported automatically for all the assignments you create directly from your LMS. Just click on the course and go to the gradebook.

    Once in your LMS gradebook, a dash or a white space means that the student hasn't completed the assignment yet. Open-ended answers will count as a "0" until you correct them.

    Grades on Edpuzzle range from 0-100. On your LMS, however, you can configure how many points you want to award each assignment and the gradebook will automatically make the conversion.

    You can also manually change your students' grades in the gradebook, but those changes won't be visible on Edpuzzle.

    To manually export grades to your LMS:

      1. Choose the class you'd like to export grades for from the list under “My Classes” in the menu on the left-hand side of your page.
      2. Select the assignment whose grades you want to export.
      3. Click the ellipsis (...) at the top of the page and select "Export grades to LMS" from the drop-down menu.

    If you need to download grades in a CSV file from Edpuzzle, check out this article.